Sunday, November 29, 2009

Apa beza work at home mom & work at home dad

Teks: Masayu Ahmad

Matlamat yang sama

Dalam saya merayau di alam maya mencari maklumat bekerja di rumah, terdapat beberapa konsep yang masih baru di negara ini, tetapi sangat popular di kebanyakan negara maju. Suami atau bapa yang berada di rumah (SAHD) atau ayah yang bekerja di rumah (Work At Home Dad- Wahd).

Memetik dari wikipedia, adalah seperti berikut:

A work at home parent is an entrepreneur who works from home and integrates parenting into his or her business activities. They are sometimes referred as WAHM (work at home mom) or WAHD (work at home dad).

Entrepreneurs choose to run businesses from home for a variety of reasons, including lower business expenses, personal health limitations, eliminating commuting or in order to have a more flexible schedule. This flexibility can give an entrepreneur more options when planning tasks, business and non-business, including parenting duties. While some home-based entrepreneurs opt for childcare outside the home, others integrate child rearing into their work day and workspace. The latter are considered work-at-home parents.

Many WAHPs start home-based businesses in order to care for their children while still creating income. The desire to care for one's own children, the incompatibility of a 9-to-5 work day with school hours or sick days, and the expense of childcare prompt many parents to change or leave their job in the workforce in order to be available to their children. Many WAHPs build a business schedule that can be integrated with their parenting duties.

Apa yang lebih menarik perhatian saya adalah konsep, ibubapa bekerja di rumah ( work at home parents).

Namun apapun konsep yang diperkenalkan dan diketengahkan, matlamatnya adalah sama iaitu berada di rumah dan menjana pendapatan. Sudah semestinya faktor keluarga menjadii satu pengaruh yang besar untuk berada di rumah.

Mengambil Pembantu rumah adalah sebagai satu cara untuk memudahkan pengurusan rumah tangga lebih terurus. Pengurusan pengambilannya memerlukan kos yang tinggi. Perngeluaran wang pendahuluan sebanyak RM7000 dan gaji bulanan sekurang-kurangnya RM500 sebulan selama tiga tahun.

Jumlah tersebut sangat sesuai jika dijadikan sebagai modal untuk permulaan persediaan anda bekerja di rumah. Pilih pilihan bisnes minama yang membolehkan anda bermula bekerja di rumah atau menjalankan bisnes dari rumah.

Banyak pilihan dan alternatif untuk anda mula mengintai-ngintai untuk menjana pendapatan dengan hanya berada di rumah. Suami atau isteri, anda boleh memilih siapa dahulu yang bersedia terlebih dahulu bekerja di rumah.

Adik saya boleh dikategorikan Work At Home Dad, memandangkan selepas sahaja tamat pengajian beliau terus sahaja berusaha dan bekerja sendiri. Walaupun sebelum itu selepas habis belajar, ke-dua orang tua sememangnya tidak yakin adik memilih dengan bekerja sendiri. Kini pejabatnya hanya beroperasi di rumah sahaja, bukan sahaja konsep SOHO, malah juga boleh dikenali sebagai WAHD.

Konsep ini semakin berkembang sejak awal 1980 an dan 1990-an.

Sudah kita tentunya sangat beruntung, maka masih tidak terlambat untuk merebut peluang ini.

Menurut cik wiki lagi, (Mari kita lihat sejarah perkembangan konsep bekerja di rumah)

The concept of the WAHP has been around for as long as small businesses have. In pre-industrial societies, merchants and artisans often worked out of or close to their homes. Children typically remained in the care of a parent during the day and were often present while the parents worked. Societal changes in the 1800s, such as compulsory education and the Industrial Revolution, made working from home and working with children around less common.

Entrepreneurship saw a resurgence in the 1980s, with more of an emphasis on work-life balance. Among the long-traditional groups of WAHPs are those professionals in private practice with home offices such as physicians, therapists, music teachers and tutors. The term WAHP began gaining popularity in the late 1990s especially as the growth of the Internet allowed for small business owners and entrepreneurs to have greater options for starting and running their businesses.

By 2004, over 20 million people worked at home at least part time (either as business owners or in a formal arrangement with their employer), many of whom were parents.[1] In 2008, a digital magazine was established by a WAHM with a decade of experience in the publications field specifically for work-at-home parents.

The WAHM Magazine was designed to address the issues of the complete lifestyle of work-at-home parents regardless of field or industry and has a mission to validate, empower, encourage, educate and support WAHPs in their personal, professional and lifestyle goals. And the end of the first decade of the 21st century, telecommuting is becoming a greater option for companies and employees alike for a variety of economic and environmental concerns.


maya amir said...

teringin nak work from home tapi tak tau biz ape..huhu

Masayu Ahmad said...

maya amir

Nanti kita sama-sama merungkai persoalan maya

harap artikel terbaru dapat membantu

All Thing Viral said...

terima kasih atas post ini. saya bercadang utk membuat kertas cadangan kepada pihak berkuasa tempatan mengenai kelulusan lesen berniaga secara dari rumah(x perlu ofis/premis)


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